Bellevue is the fifth largest city in Washington, with a population of over 150,200. It is the Eastside’s high-tech and retail center.
This one-time logging and mining village has become the northwest destination for living, working, playing, and doing business in the 21st Century. Issaquah serves a population of 32,600.
Serving over 61,300, Kirkland is a place of history, nature, and metro ‘lifestyling’ in which to live, work, visit, and play.
Redmond is known for its natural beauty, 34 parks, over 25 miles of trails, and first-class places to shop or stay and dine. Redmond serves a population of 76,000.
Sammamish Plateau Water
For over 70 years, Sammamish Plateau Water has been serving more than 64,800 residents in Sammamish, Issaquah, and areas of unincorporated King County.
Skyway Water & Sewer District
Located in the West Hill area of unincorporated King County, Skyway serves water to about 11,100 residents and sewer to 18,100.
Tukwila’s central location at the crossroads of Interstate 5 and 405 makes it an ideal site for commerce, and it serves a population of over 9,400.

Map shows Cascade’s service area.
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