Cascade Sponsors the Northwest Flower and Garden Festival

Cascade was one of the main sponsors of the 2025 Northwest Flower and Garden Festival and the primary sponsor of the Container Showdown, one of the main features of the festival. Thousands attended the seven Container Showdown events over the course of the festival. Cascade was mentioned throughout the events, and the emcee and contestants all mentioned ways to reduce water usage while gardening.

Cascade engaged with numerous attendees at its booth answering questions, distributing conservation items, and sharing information about Cascade and the Cascade Gardener classes. Featured personalities at the Cascade booth included Marianne Binetti, one of the Cascade Gardener presenters, who spoke with attendees interested in removing part of their lawn to redesign the space, and David McGrath, who performs irrigation assessments for Cascade and answered questions about irrigation systems and drip irrigation design.
