Cascade meets monthly to review issues and take action on Cascade matters. Click here for current and past Board meeting packets and minutes. This meeting is held in-person at Cascade’s >>
The public affairs committee makes recommendations on general outreach, public information and communication programs, community outreach and relationships, public relations, intergovernmental affairs, state and federal affairs, and membership. This meeting >>
The resource management committee makes recommendations on planning and development of water supply resources, operations and maintenance, water quality, and water conservation. This meeting is held in-person at Cascade’s Bellevue >>
The Finance and Management Committee is responsible for the ongoing oversight of the administrative, business systems, and other management and financial affairs of Cascade as well as oversight of the >>
Cascade meets monthly to review issues and take action on Cascade matters. Click here for current and past Board meeting packets and minutes. This meeting is held in-person at Cascade’s >>
The public affairs committee makes recommendations on general outreach, public information and communication programs, community outreach and relationships, public relations, intergovernmental affairs, state and federal affairs, and membership. This meeting >>