
Indoor Water Efficiency Tips

Fix Leaky Faucets:  Those small drips can add up to hundreds or thousands of gallons in a short time.

Check Your Toilet For Leaks Annually:  Place a few drops of food coloring in the tank of the toilet and wait 15 minutes (don’t flush!). If the color seeps into the bowl, the toilet flapper is likely worn and leaking. Place the old flapper in a plastic bag and take it to the hardware store to select the correct replacement for your toilet. Click here to see a video on checking for leaks and changing a toilet flapper.

Run The Clothes Washer And Dishwasher With Full Loads:   It’s a simple step, but over time the savings can really add up. You’ll save energy, too!

Avoid the Garbage Disposal:  Garbage disposals use water and energy and they send extra materials down the drain that have to be managed at the wastewater treatment plant. Compost your food waste instead. You’ll save water and energy and make a great product for your plants.

Look For The Label:  WaterSense and Energy Star-labeled fixtures and appliances save water and energy and will reduce your carbon footprint. Click here to learn about the WaterSense program, and click here to learn about the EnergyStar program.

Keep An Eye On Your Bill:  Understanding how much water you use can help you eliminate waste and know if you have a leak.

Chill:  Keep a container of water in the refrigerator. This will encourage your family to drink more healthy water and it’ll always be there nice and cool.

Work Smarter:  Use the dishwasher rather than hand-washing dirty dishes. Modern Energy Star-labeled dishwashers use water very efficiently.

Catch and Release:  Whenever possible, capture clean rinse water to use on plants or for flushing the toilet.

Outdoor Water Efficiency Tips

Keep Sprinkler Systems In Good Working Order:  Minimize over spray onto paved surfaces and check your sprinkler system frequently for leaks.

Try To Match Lawn Watering To Current Weather:  Don’t water when it’s raining or for days after a heavy rain event. And during warm weather, watering in the morning instead of the middle of the day

Avoid The Heat:  Water in the morning or evening to avoid the heat and wind, which increases evaporation.

Be A Cascade Gardener:  Use the right plant in the right place for best results. Check out the Cascade Gardener resources available for you.

Upgrade Your Irrigation System:  Install weather-based controllers and rain sensors.

Wash Your Car At A Commercial Car Wash:  You’ll save water and keep pollutants out of local lakes and streams.

Use A Broom:  Use a broom to sweep sidewalks and driveways rather than a hose.

Maintain And Cover Pools And Hot Tubs:  Maintain pools and hot tubs and keep them covered when not in use to minimize evaporation.
