Press Release

Lake Tapps Reservoir to Rise to 543 Feet

On May 11, Cascade will begin to raise the Lake Tapps Reservoir to approximately elevation 543 feet, the maximum allowable level at which Cascade can operate. The reservoir will reach  >>

Lake Tapps Community Open House

Cascade invites the public to join an in-person Lake Tapps community meeting and open house on Wednesday, May 10 from 6-8 pm, to learn more about how everyone can help  >>

Lake Tapps Refill Update

Cascade is working hard to put every available drop of water into the reservoir, however, it is unlikely that the reservoir will be at full recreational levels by April 15.  >>

Wanted: Leak Detectives for Fix a Leak Week

Leaks can run, but they can’t hide! Are you ready to save water and money?  It’s time to chase down leaks that may be wasting both! The average American home  >>


Water Bottle Filling Station at Skyline High School

On Tuesday, March 21 Cascade Water Alliance joins Skyline High School students and officials for the dedication of a new water bottle filling station.  Sammamish Plateau Water President Lloyd Warren,  >>
